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Hogback Mountain Conservation Association Board of Directors


HMCA Directors are elected to the Board of Directors for three-year terms. Directors may serve up to two sequential terms, and then must step down. After one year off the Board, interested people can once again serve as a Director. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let us know. We would love to learn more about your interests and the skills you could bring to the Board.


Current Directors:


Term expiring Jan. 2025

- Laurel Copeland (1st term)

- Bob Milliken (1st term)

- Amanda Whiting (1st term)


Term expiring Jan. 2026

- Carol Berner (2nd term)

- Nancy Anderson (1st term)

- Kate Milliken (1st term)

- Louis Tognan (1st term)


To contact a specific Board member, send a note using the "Contact Us" button. Your email will be forwarded and the Board member will get in touch with you.

HMCA Committees


Most of the actual work/fun of the HMCA is organized by the committees. If you'd like to join a Hogback committee, drop us a note using the Contact Us button, and we'll put you in touch with the appropriate person. Here's a list of committees and some of the key members. (Most of our committees don't have official chairs, but instead are collaborative. Also, committee members need not be board members.)


Education: Carol Berner, Francie Marbury

Events: Kate Milliken, Amanda Whiting, Nancy Anderson

Financial Advisory Committee: Bob Anderson, Nancy Anderson, Louis Tognan

Invasives: Bob Milliken, Pieter Van Loon, Jack Widness, Diana Todd, Kate Milliken

Trails: Diana Todd, Eric Slayton, Bob Anderson, Mike Purcell, Staley McDermet, Kent Webster and others.

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visits since Sept. 2016

webmasters:  Bob Milliken and Louis Tognan

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