Hogback Mountain Conservation Association
Route 9, Marlboro, Vermont
Preserving a Mountain Treasure
Swamp Plot
Site Description:
Plant Inventory:
Soil Analysis:
This plot is located less than a tenth of a mile away from the pond, in a very wet, marshlike, open habitat. Specifically, it is located at a bearing of N 10 W degrees from the trail.
This plot was 100% covered by small herbaceous plants, and some large bushes. It was also 100% exposed, with the nearest trees approximately 15-20 feet away (please refer to figure 5).

Figure 5- View of the Swamp Plot

Highbush Blueberry, and Wild Raspberry It is not uncommon to find communities of Wild Raspberry and Highbush Blueberry growing together in an open meadow. Often, this is because both species favor similar soil types and levels of sun exposure .

Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry is a fast-spreading deciduous bush, native to the entire East Coast of North America, as well as the states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama. Generally, it can be located in swamp or mash-like habitats. Highbush Blueberry bears delicious fruits between July and August. Although these fruits are palatable to humans, they are also favored by song and game birds, and many mammals.

Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hayscented fern can be found in a great number of habitat types, from disturbed roadsides to exposed hillsides... They are fast colonizers, are are often known for their aggressive ability to colonize an area, out competing native species.

Highbush Blueberry, and Wild Raspberry It is not uncommon to find communities of Wild Raspberry and Highbush Blueberry growing together in an open meadow. Often, this is because both species favor similar soil types and levels of sun exposure .
In this plot, I identified and located 15 different species of plants. Among them, were: Quaking Aspen, Wood Strawberry, Yellow and Orange Hawkweed, Yarrow, Haircap Moss, Oxeye Daisy, Interrupted Fern, Buttercup, Meadowsweet, Highbush Blueberry, Cow Vetch, Goldenrod, Hayscented Fern, Wild Raspberry, and Common St. John's-Wort (please refer to figure 6).

For this test, I was able to dig a 13" soil pit, before hitting a large bedrock ledge. Within the pit, I was able to detect a 10" deep layer of dark gritty, sandy mud, and at the bottom, a 3" layer of similar dirt, interspersed with many small reddish, quartzlike rocks (please refer to figure 7).
The 10" muddy layer tested at a pH of 6.0, which can be outlined as an acid environment. The second 3" rocky layer, tested at a pH of 6.0, also indicating an acid environment.
Figure 7- Soil pit measurement.